The 17th International Tambeach Tournament of Catalonia is here!
It will take place on August 31 and September 1.
This year you can choose between 6 different categories (each category must have a minimum number of participants to be able to play):
- Men's Doubles
- Women's Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
- Men's Singles
- Women's Singles
- Children's pairs
- First category: €20
- For each extra category: +€5
- Child category registration: €2
- Without federal Tamborà license: +€5
If you help us set up on the 30th or 31st of August in the morning, you will get a 30% discount on your registration.
The deadline to register with these prices is August 11. From this day until August 18, there will be a surcharge of €5 per category.
Before completing the registration, you must make a transfer to the account ES34 0073 0100 5905 0596 8092 and you must attach proof of payment at the end of the form.