What it is: origin and history
It is a traditional sport from the north of Italy and the south of France that takes the name of the instrument with which it is played: the tambourine. It is considered the forerunner of tennis since the similarities with this sport are multiple.
The first written reference to the tambourine can be found in the 10th century, in the book "Cronicon Salernitarun" (author unknown) where there was talk of a ball game. Later, around the 16th century; in Antonio Scaino da Saló's book ("Trattato del giuco con la Palla"; Vinegia, MCLV) it is explained which were the most practiced games at that time and we find: il " bracciale”, the “pallacorda” and the “palla con lo scanno”.
The "palla con lo scanno" is considered the previous step to the use of the tambourine; when the "wooden guano" used to hit the ball is replaced by a circle covered with animal skin (lamb or pig).
The evolution of the sport has been marked by the development of the material used, it has gone from using animal skin in its origins to plastic and synthetic fabric today.
1890 is considered the official starting point of the tambourine. The recognition, by La Federazione Ginnastica d'Italia, as a game means that it obtains a category that is equivalent to that of sport today.
In 1903, he dreams of the Olympics after Pierre de Coubertin talks to King Vittorio Emanuele and Pope Pius X and studies the possibility of including it in the 20 sports disciplines that will be part of the Olympic Games. Finally they don't end up being held in Rome and 15 years later a path is opened again in Amsterdam for it to be part of the Olympics as an exhibition sport, but in the end it ends up being a sport of his family: the "Jeux de Paume ".
In 1910, the first entity was created that acts as a precursor to the FIPT (Italian Tambourine Federation): "Ente per l'organizzazione di tutti gli sport italiani che si occupano del Pallone". Later, in 1927, the FIPT was created and became one of the 33 sports federations that at that time were part of the CONI statutes.
The sport has been practiced since the beginning of the century in Italy and France, but from the 80s the practice of sport also exists, at a much lower level, throughout Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Scotland, Belgium, San Marino, the United Kingdom, Spain and Catalonia. We also find a small minority practicing the sport in the United States of America, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.

Classic (outdoor)
It is the most practiced in Italy and France. It is played on a playing field 80 meters long by 20 meters wide. It is played outside on ground or asphalt. The ball is made of hard rubber, measures about 66 mm in diameter and is white. Each team is composed of 5 field athletes: 2 defenders, 1 central and 2 attackers.
A special tambourine is used for the service: the tamburella, oval tambourine (Italy) the Batoir d'engagement, smaller tambourine with a stick of about 80cm. (France).

It is the most practiced at European level. And it is the modality that is practiced the most in Catalonia.
The dimensions of the pitch are 34 meters long by 16 meters wide. There is a service line that is located two meters after the center line. For lower categories they are reduced. It is played in a pavilion or on a covered court. The ball is low pressure.
Each team is made up of 3 field athletes: 1 central and 2 wings.
According to the regulations of the FIBT (Fédération Internationale de Balle au Tambourin) all the lines of the field that are part of the field of play are good with the exception of the central one which is considered a foul if it is touched.

It is a modality that gains followers summer after summer. The conditions under which this practice is carried out are part of its appeal: sand, sun and in many cases water.
You can play 1x1 or 2x2, varying in each case the dimensions of the playing field. In the first case of 24m x7.5m and in the second 24m x 12m.
The 2.35m net separates the two fields. The ball, as in the indoor modality, is without pressure

Modality born in Scotland, marked by the philosophy of sport for everyone, highlights the most playful and social aspect of sports practice, promoting respect and coexistence between people.
As in the tambeach modality, you also participate in a 1x1 or 2x2 format, in this case the playing field has the same dimensions: 9.14m x 3.96m for both cases and is separated in this case for a net of 1.73m high.